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    Understanding Customer Engagement - Hotel Hilton London

    University: Tafe NSW

    • Unit No: 3
    • Level: High school
    • Pages: 26 / Words 6622
    • Paper Type: Essay
    • Course Code: BSB30215
    • Downloads: 597
    Question :

    This assessment will cover the following questions:

    • Critically explain the factors influencing Hilton Hotel's ability to maximize customer value.
    • Identify the systems that support the organization's quality procedure and provide a critical understanding of the extent to which you think those systems effectively meet customer requirements.
    • Hilton hotel is a UK-based luxury hotel. Define service quality, explain each dimension and implement to the Hilton Hotel, and compare to another (hotel company) organization.
    Answer :


    Customer engagement is the linkage of the feelings and values between the customers and the organization brand which is selling the products and services. The need to increase the customer engagement process as it helps the organization to increase the sales and increase the satisfaction of the customers with the maximum quality. Customers engagement helps the organization to maintain the quality of the products and services by knowing the preferences and tastes so that they can increase the efficiency of the organization and achieve the competitive advantage in the market.

    The market research is very essential in maintaining the customer engagement of the organization, it will also help the organization to maintain the quality of the products and services to increase the demand of the customers and also increase the level of satisfaction. It also helps the organization to exploit the opportunities and decreases the threats as customer engagement helps the company to maintain the balance in the business environment. The organization also have to analyse the importance of all the internal and external factors which will increase the productivity of the organization to formulate the strategies. The organization will also increase the level of innovation technology will also help the organization to attract more customers and help to maintain the customers' satisfaction.

    In this report there is a detailed study about the hotel Hilton London which was established in 1963. The hotel located at the primary location of the London which attracts the most of the travellers to the hotel. The hotel Hilton also have to analyse the effective ways tom interact with the guests to increase the knowledge of the hotel and provide better services to the guests according to the needs which will also satisfy them effectively.

    PART 1

    Customer Value

    Customer value is satisfaction criteria which the customer gains after the consumption of the products and services they paid in exchange for the part of their income. The business organization need to analyze the customer value to understand the effectiveness of their products and services and what need to be changed. The customer value also help the organization maintain the quality if the products and set the prices what which the customers are willing to pay according to their income level. The organization also can increase the services' differentiation with the different prices or services according to the quality of facilities provided by the organization to the customers. There is a traditional tendency of the customer as they compare the quality of products and services with the price which is asked for it and also the satisfaction level is raised with the comfort of the products and services.

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    Conformance of Requirements

    The conformance of the requirements means assurance of the quality of the outputs which was demanded by the customers in order to increase the level of satisfaction and provide better efficiency of the business organization. Conformance is the testing of the quality of the final products and services to the requirements of the customers according the standards of the business organization and policies of the organization (Zhang, Kandampully and Bilgihan, 2015) . It is the system of maintaining the consistency of the products and services. The conformance of the requirements of the customers also portrays that the business organization is very well aware of the importance of the customer satisfaction and is also trying their best to increase the output to meet the demand of the customers to increase the sales of the company. The quality of conformance is very essential factor in the hotel industry as it helps the hotels to increase the quality and customer loyalty in the market to increase the growth of the hotel. For example, customers have the demand for orange pulp juices which increase the satisfaction level so the companies have to make the orange juice pulp in order to increase efficiency of the company and sales of the company will also be increased by meeting the expectations of the customers.

    Hotel Hilton is ranked 6/10 in the conformance according to the 5 dimensions of the customers values. As the hotel does not focus on the conformance as they are more confident on the product quality which is impacting them a lot. Hilton also have situated in a very prime location and are liberal as they think that the customer attraction is not required due to the value of the location will help to attract the customers automatically.

    Hotel Marriott ranked 4/10 in the conformance of the requirement according to the customers as this decreases the efficiency of the hotel and also the goodwill is dropped in the market. The customer is not able to judge the value of money of the quality of services and products the hotel is products the customers.

    Product Selection

    Product selection is the process of choosing the right services and products which will optimally satisfy the customer and provide them with the better experience. The customer value proposition is also maintained in this process s it helps the customers to receive all the products and services which the seller promised them to give in exchange for the money which will satisfy the customers (Taiminen and Ranaweera, 2019). The product selection helps the customers to choose from the alternative products and services which will give the best outcome and satisfy the need and desires of the customers. Product selection is very essential as it will increase the goodwill of hotel and increase the market share of the company in the market to attract more customers and increase the profit margins as well (Storbacka and, 2016). For example, the customer like the bed which is made of wood and also have t electrical appliances attached to it to turn on the lights and fans in the room, the hotel have to select the closet related beds which can satisfy the wants of the customers or even provide with the better sat

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